UPS is a multi-string inverter to take the advantages of centralized inverters and string inverters, to avoid its shortcomings, can be applied to a few kilowatts of photovoltaic power stations. In the multi-string inverters contain different individual peak online offline upstracking and dc-to-dc converter, which through a common DC DC to AC inverter into alternating current, grid to grid. PV strings of different ratings (eg: different power ratings, each string a different number of components, the components of different manufacturers, etc.), different sizes or different techniques of PV modules, strings in different directions (eg : East, South and West), a different inclination or shading, can be attached to a common inverter, while each string are working in their respective maximum peak power on. Meanwhile, the length of the DC cable to reduce the impact of shading between the strings and the loss due to differences between the strings caused minimized.
An inverter is a device that changes the direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current
回复删除(AC) electricity for use with appliances or the utility grid.By UPS inverter Batteries in chennai