
UPS systems are generally used for large-scale centralized inverter

UPS systems are generally used for large-scale centralized inverter PV power plant (> 10kW), the number of parallel PV strings are connected
To the same central inverter DC input Outdoor cabinet of the general three-phase IGBT power module, use less power field effect transistor, using DSP switch controller to improve the quality of the output power, making it very close to sinusoidal current. The maximum power of the system is characterized by high and low cost. But the influence of PV string matching and partial shading, resulting in efficiency and power capacity of the entire PV system. At the same time the entire photovoltaic computer ups power supply generation system reliability by poor working conditions of a photovoltaic cell groups affected. The latest research is the use of space vector modulation control, as well as the development of new inverter topology of connections to achieve high efficiency under partial load conditions. On SolarMax (Shohreh Mike) central inverter, you can attach an interface box PV array, photovoltaic panels on each string string monitoring, such as a string which is not working properly, the system will put the information passed to the remote controller, and can be stopped by a bunch of these remote control, so as not to because of the failure of a string of PV strings and impact of the work and reduce the energy output of the entire PV system

