Telecom and offline UPS: usually in the ups battery state of charge, the offline UPS in power inverter emergency switch to working state, the direct currentchange battery provides for AC output stable, so the backup UPS is also known as the offline UPS. Advantages of UPS backup UPS power line is: high efficiency, low noise, the price is relatively cheap, off-line UPS is mainly applied to city waves moving little, offline UPS on power quality requirements are not high, the telecom company tip: offline UPS more suitable for home use.However,emergency power ups the UPS has a switching time, therefore not suitable for use in power supply can not interrupt the crucial place. But in fact the switching time is very short, the offline UPS generally ranged from 2 to 10 ms, and the switching power supply of computer itself in power should be maintained around 10 milliseconds, so the personal computer system is generally not because theswitching time and problems. high frequency online ups backup UPS generally only a few minutes to tens of minutes of continuous power supply, is mainly lets you havethe time to backup your data, and finish the work as soon as possible, the price is low. The computer application is not too critical, such as individual home users, you can backup with small power UPS.
Telecom UPS On many occasions, we need to provide home solar UPS AC power. As a direct output of solar energy are generally backed UPS. UPS and inverters to provide electrical power to the outdoor cabinet needs to be issued by the DC solar power system can be converted into AC power, and therefore need to use home solar UPS in some cases, require the use of multiple voltage loads, also used UPS and inverters.
The actual application of hybrid solar power generation system
Usually equipment hybrid solar power system indicated the power or
the rated power,
the output power of
the hybrid solar power system shall make all received UPS equipment rated power added up to no more than UPS, Home ups this method is often called a UPS output power and power consumption of the matched load. hybrid solar power system
but start
power some
is several times
power. For example: telecom ups the rated power of printer is
according to the
conversion in the
calculation of load
matching. Home ups In addition to
other computer
peripheral equipment telecom ups other than the printer, telecom ups
power inverter UPS
usually start telecom ups
power is slightly
larger than the
rated power, Home ups
so it is considered
the best
matching according
to the UPS output
power load
matching. telecom ups Standard UPS without external battery, MPPT inverter
and power
inverter UPS
in its
output power and
load from
the power
interruption, Home ups
it can supply about several minutes of each specific numerical models of the UPS instructions are written. Home ups Half of the hybrid solar power system and power supply inverter UPS to load power consumption is only UPS of output power, Home ups used to call the half load or load rate, Home ups can supply the extra minutes, Home ups different power inverter load on the UPS UPS power supply time about half time double reference load calculation. MPPT solar inverters and hybrid solar power generation system
using cautions
for correct use of
UPS power supply,telecom ups not only can reduce the UPS chance of failure, Home ups but also can effectively prolong the service
Online offline UPS UPS to the role
Online offline UPS UPS adaptation range is different, change UPS online offline UPS output voltage in the +
10-15% of the
computer use
voltage. When the city
exception or interrupt,telecom ups online offline
immediately in the
electric energy
system through the
inverter,Uninterrupted power supply soft hardware online offline UPS UPS to maintain the normal
operation of
computer system and
to protect the
computer from
loss. The classification and characteristics
of solar
system for outdoor and UPS UPS power
according to the working mode can be divided into online and off-line two categories, online offline UPS UPS according to the output waveform can be divided
into square
wave and sine wave
two.telecom upsUninterrupted power supply Online UPS UPS offline backup online offline UPS UPS power supply in the electric power supply is normal,telecom ups Uninterrupted power supplythe city electricity through the exchange of the bypass channel again after the switch directly to the load power supply,telecom ups inverter machine in a stopped state.
The outdoor solar
power generation system in
the UPS
substantially equivalent to a voltage range of
regulator. Outdoor solar power system and online offline UPS UPS it in addition to the city, pure sine wave online UPS fluctuation of voltage has improved, adverse effects of online UPS offline UPS in voltage frequency instability,Uninterrupted power supply Uninterrupted power supplywaveform distortion as well as from the string into the power
basically did
not have
improvement.telecom ups Only the solar UPS when the power supply is interrupted or below 170V, pure sine wave online UPS battery to online offline UPS UPS power supply, Uninterrupted power supplyand provides stable, stable frequency AC power to the load.telecom upsUninterrupted power supply Advantages of
solar power
generation system
online outdoor UPS off-line UPS power is high efficiency, low noise, Uninterrupted power supplythe price is relatively cheap, solar UPS is mainly applied to city waves moving little,telecom ups online offline UPS UPS on power quality requirements is not high. Online online offline UPS UPS power supply in the electric power supply is
normal, the first commercial AC power into DC power supply, Uninterrupted power supplythen the pulse width modulation, filtering, and the DC power to AC power supply, which is usually composed of alternating current through
inverter to the
by way
of AC power
supply. solar UPS and online offline UPS UPS once the power interruption,telecom ups solar UPS immediately replaced by battery with the inverter to provide AC power supply load. Therefore, pure sine wave online UPS for online UPS power supply, under normal circumstances, online offline UPS UPS with or without electricity,Uninterrupted power supply it is always a UPS inverter power supply power to load, thus avoiding all brought by the electric power grid voltage
fluctuations and disturbances.
AC-to-DC power practical
AC to DC power supply: high quality imported IGBT is used as the main power devices, AC to DC power to Nanocrystalline (telecom ups )-based soft magnetic alloy transformer core, the main control system uses a multi-loop control technology, structure acidification on the measures taken by the anti-salt spray. Power reasonable structure, computer UPS power supply AC-to-DC power supply and strong reliability. The power of its small size, light weight, high efficiency, high reliability superiority of SCR power supply replacement products. AC to DC power applied to the experiment, oxidation, electrolysis,telecom ups zinc, nickel, tin, chrome, optoelectronics, smelting, into a variety of precision surface computer UPS, corrosion and other disposal sites. In anodizing, computer UPS power vacuum coating, electrolysis, electrophoresis, telecom ups water treatment, electronics aging,telecom ups electric heating, electrochemical and other aspects have also been users alike. telecom upsSolar-powered UPS AC to DC power supply, electroplating,telecom ups UPS solar-powered electrolysis industry sectors, telecom ups as many customers preferred source products. Computer AC to DC power supply UPS lower porosity, the rate of formation of nuclei is greater than the growth rate,telecom ups to promote nucleation refinement.AC to DC power supply to improve adhesion,telecom ups the computer UPS AC power to a DC power breakdown in the passivation film, a strong bond between the beneficial and the substrate layer.telecom ups Improve the coverage and dispersibility, high AC to DC power supply negative cathode passivation potential so that ordinary plating deposition site can mitigate the protruding telecom upsparts form part due to the deposition of complex ions bring excessive consumption "burningtelecom ups dendritic" deposition defects, to obtain a given thickness of the coating properties can be reduced to the original,telecom ups AC-to-DC power saving raw materials.telecom ups Solar-powered UPS and UPS power supply computer coatings reduce stress, telecom ups improve lattice defects,telecom ups impurities, voids, build-up, etc.,(telecom ups ) easy to get crack-free coating, reducing additives. telecom upsAC to DC power supply is conducive to the stability of the alloy coating composition obtained. Solar-powered UPS UPS and computer power to improve dissolution of the anode, the anode without activator. AC to DC power telecom ups supply of the coating improved telecom ups mechanical properties, such as increasing the density and reducing the volume resistivity of the surface resistance,telecom ups improved toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and hardness of the coating can be controlled.
Practical application of computer UPS power
Computer UPS Power: simple on-line interactive UPS structure, easy to implement, and easy parallel, ease of maintenance and repair, high efficiency, low operating costs, high machine reliability, the telecommunications company's computer UPS power load to meet certain performance requirements , especially for some of the computer equipment in the network using a distributed power system. such shortcomings power regulator performance is not high,telecom ups especially for low speed dynamic response, telecom upsfollowed by anti-jamming capability is not strong, the circuit will produce harmonic interference and modulation interference.
Telecom: passive standby power inverters and UPS Line Interactive UPS structure is relatively simple, easy to implement telecommunications company, telecom ups and easy parallel, telecom upsease of maintenance and repair, high efficiency, telecom ups low running cost computer UPS power supply, telecom upshigh machine reliability performance meet certain load requirements, especially for certain computer in the network line-interactive UPS structure is relatively simple, easy to implement, and easy parallel computer UPS power supply for easy maintenance and repair, high efficiency, low operating costs, telecommunications companies computer UPS power machine high reliability UPS emergency power load to meet certain performance requirements, especially for some of the computer equipment in the network using a distributed power system.telecom ups such shortcomings power regulator performance is not high, especially dynamic response speed is low,telecom ups followed by anti-jamming capability is not strong, the circuit will produce harmonic interference and modulation interference.
Passive Standby UPS UPS power supply and computer power inverters connected in parallel between the mains and the loads, only briefly as a backup power source. Such computer UPS UPS power supply, emergency power supply UPS in the mains is normal, load full mains powered directly, without any power conversion inverter, battery charger powered by an independent; when the electricity is not normal, the load from the computer to provide power inverters UPS power back-up UPS with passive structure.telecom ups telecom ups simple, inexpensive computer UPS power prices, etc.,telecom ups can be used in emergency power UPS certain non-critical loads, such as home computers, etc. But in the city is not normal, telecom upsthe relay will switch the inverter to the load, the switching time is longer, it normally takes several emergency power UPS uninterruptible power supply UPS and the computer, so a little important computer equipment should choose passive-standby UPS. equipment using distributed power systems.telecom ups drawback UPS emergency power supply is regulated performance of this not high, especially for low speed dynamic response, followed by anti-jamming capability is not strong, the circuit will produce harmonic interference and modulation interference.
Telecom: passive standby power inverters and UPS Line Interactive UPS structure is relatively simple, easy to implement telecommunications company, telecom ups and easy parallel, telecom upsease of maintenance and repair, high efficiency, telecom ups low running cost computer UPS power supply, telecom upshigh machine reliability performance meet certain load requirements, especially for certain computer in the network line-interactive UPS structure is relatively simple, easy to implement, and easy parallel computer UPS power supply for easy maintenance and repair, high efficiency, low operating costs, telecommunications companies computer UPS power machine high reliability UPS emergency power load to meet certain performance requirements, especially for some of the computer equipment in the network using a distributed power system.telecom ups such shortcomings power regulator performance is not high, especially dynamic response speed is low,telecom ups followed by anti-jamming capability is not strong, the circuit will produce harmonic interference and modulation interference.

UPS power is the role of the computer?
Computer UPS power: when the normal electricity, telecommunications company's computer after UPS power mains rectifier power to the load from the inverter; mains power is not normal, the storage of electrical power to the load via the inverter, no conversion time of it. telecom ups input and output links are controlled independently of each other,telecom ups so the ability to adapt to the mains input is very strong, especially reflected in the ability to adapt to changes in frequency.telecom ups telecom ups line UPS power output is high-quality sine wave AC power supply,telecom ups frequency and voltage stability,telecom ups the precision is very high.telecom ups Moreover, the telecommunications company computer computer UPS power supply due to the on-line UPS power supply input filter,telecom ups a telecommunications company computer UPS power supply AC mains input filter becomes rectified DC,telecom ups and then by the inverter output sine wave inverter output filter through the power of the highest quality, computer UPS power protection performance so that the output of the best of the ability to suppress noise and surge mains strongest.telecom ups telecom ups line interactive UPS power the inverter is connected in parallel between the mains and the load,telecom ups since the role of back-up power,telecom ups while the inverter as a charger to charge the battery through the inverter reversible operation mode,telecom ups telecom ups interactions with electricity, telecom ups computer UPS power supply and therefore action is called interactive such UPS, normal in the city, the load from the power supply through the city improved, while the inverter as a charger to charge the battery, the computer plays a UPS inverter power converter;telecom ups when the electricity is not normal, telecom ups the load is completely powered by the inverter, inverter plays the role of a computer UPS power converter.

ndustrial UPS power role?
UPS power matching load, according to the load rate is converted to load 80% 640W matched UPS, power industry if overload,
in the inverter
state, often caused by inverter transistor breakdown. In addition,
when using UPS,
such as fluorescent
with inductive
load,telecom upstelecom ups and
capacitance can
electric or
small load
industrial UPS
power switch
machine should pay
attention to the
switch machine
order:telecom ups boot
industrial UPS
power, then 1 - 2 minutes the best lag,
filled with UPS
input working
condition, telecom ups then turn on the
load, and load the power switch to open each: a power shutdown in reverse order,telecom ups switch,telecom ups telecom ups load switch, telecom ups
and then close UPS.telecom ups
The UPS must be in
the boot
state for a
time, but the computer load every time you want to use the boot, shutdown, as long as the load power switch. UPS power is not frequent open and close the UPS power supply. In the general requirements for closure of UPS power supply,telecom ups wait at least 6 seconds,
re open the power
supply of UPS, telecom upstelecom ups
otherwise,telecom ups telecom ups UPS power can be in "failed to start" state,
this is the UPS
power without city
output is
inverter in normal ondition. UPS cell UPS
power line: in power may be due to some reason or nearly depleted compensation
and increase
the battery life
of the battery
energy, industrial UPS can long time charging power
supply,telecom upstelecom ups generally not more than 48
hours, with or without load,telecom ups avoiding the fault caused by the battery failure. The new purchase or stored for a long
time, before use, should first industrial UPS power source,telecom ups charging 12 hours. Unused UPS long-term storage,telecom ups every 3 months, charging 12
hours,telecom ups in the high temperature zone
of the
UPS, each charge 2 months. UPS online is not charging, will damage the battery.
Computer UPS power supply?
The computer UPS power supply, namely, uninterruptible power supply, the battery is lead-acid maintenance free storage battery which is connected with the host machinethrough the host module,telecom upstelecom ups inverter circuit to DC conversionpower system equipment. The power supply is mainly used for a single computer, computer network system or otherpower electronic equipment to provide steady, uninterrupted.When the power input is normal, computer UPS power supply will electric voltage supply to load, the UPS is an AC voltage regulator, and it is also the built-in battery charging;when the telecom upspower outage (outage), UPS will immediately DC battery energy, continue to supply 220V alternating currentto the load through the method of inverse zero switchingconversion, so the load to maintain the normal work andprotect the load of soft,telecom ups hardware is not damaged. The computer UPS power supply equipment is usually the voltage was too high or too low can provide protection.
The role and understand switching power supply?
Switching power supply is also called the exchange type power source,switch converter, a high frequency power conversion device. Switching power supply is the use of modern electronic technology, the control switchturn-on and turn off time ratio, maintain a stable output voltage power supplies, switching power supply from the general pulse width modulation(PWM) control IC and MOSFET. Switching and linear power supply compared, two costs are increasing with the increase in power output, but two different growth rate. Power costs in a linear output power point, rather than switching power supply, this point is called cost inversion point. With the development of power electronics technology and innovation, making switching power supply technology is also in constant innovation. Switching power supply with the characteristics of small size, light weight and high efficiency by the electronic equipment is widely used in almost all, switching power supply and pure sine wave UPS is a kind of power supply in the way of the rapid development of electronic information industry indispensable.
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