Computer UPS power: when the normal electricity, telecommunications company's computer after UPS power mains rectifier power to the load from the inverter; mains power is not normal, the storage of electrical power to the load via the inverter, no conversion time of it. telecom ups input and output links are controlled independently of each other,telecom ups so the ability to adapt to the mains input is very strong, especially reflected in the ability to adapt to changes in frequency.telecom ups telecom ups line UPS power output is high-quality sine wave AC power supply,telecom ups frequency and voltage stability,telecom ups the precision is very high.telecom ups Moreover, the telecommunications company computer computer UPS power supply due to the on-line UPS power supply input filter,telecom ups a telecommunications company computer UPS power supply AC mains input filter becomes rectified DC,telecom ups and then by the inverter output sine wave inverter output filter through the power of the highest quality, computer UPS power protection performance so that the output of the best of the ability to suppress noise and surge mains strongest.telecom ups telecom ups line interactive UPS power the inverter is connected in parallel between the mains and the load,telecom ups since the role of back-up power,telecom ups while the inverter as a charger to charge the battery through the inverter reversible operation mode,telecom ups telecom ups interactions with electricity, telecom ups computer UPS power supply and therefore action is called interactive such UPS, normal in the city, the load from the power supply through the city improved, while the inverter as a charger to charge the battery, the computer plays a UPS inverter power converter;telecom ups when the electricity is not normal, telecom ups the load is completely powered by the inverter, inverter plays the role of a computer UPS power converter.
